Friday, March 18, 2022

Cults Smashers: Part Sixteen

Stephen decided that he wanted to ensure his status as a “saint” by being the first to pull off something spectacular that hadn’t been done before. He thought that the path to this sort of fame would be by successfully using a technology that no one else had. The road to this would be by leveraging what he’d learned in chemistry classes, what he’d found in old books, and, what he’d learned playing around with Arduino controllers at the local “hacker space”.

The Anarchist Cookbook had a recipe for making cyanide gas. It was dangerous to make, but it gave instructions about how to minimize the risk. Basically, you did it outside and wore a gas mask (surprisingly easy to find on-line at military surplus businesses). If you were careful, you ended up with a clear liquid that the book suggested you could put in sealed, glass bottles and which burst into flames when you smashed the bottle---and gave off poisonous smoke.

Jeffries did some tests and decided that he would “upgrade” the delivery system. He’d put the liquid in opaque, re-usable plastic water bottles and put wifi-controlled chemical detonators in the lids. That way, he’d be able to send a coded message over the internet from anywhere in the world. Once he’d filled the bottles, he glued the bottle tops with “miracle glue” so no one could unscrew a bottle and set the gas off prematurely.

He had a target in mind. At the local university one of the student groups---the local chapter of Ralph Nader’s Public Interest Research Groups---was putting on a weekend symposium to do with “Women’s Issues”. Steven thought that he would declare his status as an Incel saint by striking a blow against the femnoids. This way, he would be remembered as a “supreme gentlemen”.


Moreover I say unto you, the Climate Emergency must be dealt with!

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